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Summer Festival Waltz and the Magic of the Elves op. 5

Summer Festival Waltz and the Magic of the Elves
Saeed Habibzadeh
Year of publication
Beyond Notes Music Publishing
Orchestral work
Large orchestra with 97 musicians
Score format
Conductor score DIN A3,
Study score DIN A4,
Instrumental parts Bach format
(230 x 305 mm)
Playing time
approx. 18:00 min
(Request via contact form)
The Sommerfestwalzer und der Zauber der Elfen (Summer Festival Waltz and the Magic of the Elves) accompanied me for years until it wanted to be orchestrated in summer 2020. Shaping the concept was a great challenge, as it was constantly changing, growing and expanding. Thus, I was more or less forced to go completely new ways. This required courage and particular openness, because the magic in this music left little room for worldly rules and wanted to be composed completely free from technical feasibility. But as always, the music took the lead without compromise and guided me to completion.
The only and best choice for me has always been to follow the inspiration and essence of the music. It was not different with this waltz for a second. I had to let it take its own form through me.
The Sommerfestwalzer und der Zauber der Elfen depicts a festivity celebrated not only by humans, but also by elves and other magical beings. The idea and inspiration come from the kingdom of God, in which there is only love, peace and fulfilment. Therefore, this waltz is an invitation for all people to accept one another, to treat each other with respect and to celebrate together.
I am aware that our world in the year 2022 does not have much in common with God's paradise. That is exactly what prompted me to compose this waltz. It wants to remind people around the world, that deep in our hearts we are all like little children who take great joy in creating something beautiful for and with each other.
May the Sommerfestwalzer und der Zauber der Elfen be a pleasure, a touch and a reminder of the paradise that wants to come true on earth through all of us as well.
May we leave a better world for our children than the one we inherited from our parents!
Saeed Habibzadeh